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Simulation Test Stand For Planetary Gear Box Failure Mechanism Research




1. The basic structure of the test bench

The test bench uses a motor, a dynamic torque sensor, a ZLS160-5-ST planetary gearbox for deceleration, and a magnetic powder brake as the experimental load to form a complete fault simulation system. The size of the experimental load can be changed by adjusting the excitation current of the magnetic powder brake. Supporting data acquisition system and related software, acceleration sensor sensors, etc. can realize the vibration, noise, torque and speed signal measurement of normal and faulty gears.


2. Experimental research content

Motor fault research: with different types of faulty motors and current and voltage sensors, it is possible to study motor rotor unbalance faults, motor bearing faults, motor rotor broken bars, etc.; planetary gearbox fault mechanism research: planetary gears, sun gears, internal gears Different failure forms of rings, such as pitting, wear, cracks, broken teeth, missing teeth and other common failures; different failure forms can also be customized according to requirements;

Rolling bearing fault research: different fault forms of sun gear bearings and needle roller bearings, such as pitting, cracks, wear, cage fracture, etc.;

Simulation of different working conditions: gear characteristics under the state of motor speed up and down, gear characteristics under different load conditions, etc.

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Production Base: No.28 Province Duqiao Road/No.288 Xizhang Road, Gushan Town, Jiangyin City, Wuxi City
R&d Base: Zhongbang Lihu Business Park, No. 2008, Lihu Avenue, Wuxi City
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